Our Vision

WAMS Society was formed in 2021 with the focus of giving a platform for students, researchers and young professionals where they can show-case their work. In most of the conferences, students are ignored and have to pay high registration fee and accommodation and travel costs. WAMS is different from other conferences in the following ways:

  1. Several travel grants are given to students. This year we gave more than 60 travel grants
  2. It is a low-cost conference with registration fee less than half of similar conferences
  3. It is planned to be held in educational institutes such as private institutes (preferably), and NITs
  4. The symposium website and other activities are managed by students only without the need of expensive conference planners
  5. WAMS Society provides memberships at various levels starting from student members to Life Fellows to qualified candidates. With one-time nominal payment, qualified candidates can become members for life and grow professionally. WAMS Society also supports workshops at Indian colleges by sponsoring them. This year we sponsored two one day workshops and plan to support more in future.
  6. Finally, no other conference including IEEE flag-ship conferences has so many awards, mostly going to students & YP. WAMS 2023 has about 25 awards with total cash value of around 3 lacs. Thanks to the generous sponsors of the awards

WAMS Membership

Undergoing B.Tech/ M.Tech/ Ph.D

Professional in the area of W/A/M

Professional in the area of W/A/M +5 years membership

Professional in the area of W/A/M with significant contribution through publication / patents (minimum 10 years experience after graduation)

Professional in the area W/A/M with significant technical contribution + 5 years membership as Life senior member. Proven record of publications /patents and international reputation

Professional in the area W/A/M with significant technical contribution (20 years experience post Ph.D) with international reputation

Selected by WAMS Ex. Comm. based on contributions to WAMS Society and proven international recognition

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